Our Little Corner of Heaven
by Ruth Marie Brown
Eleven acres, out on a creek,
Not much, from the world's point of view.
But it means a lot,
When that little plot,
Belongs to just us two!
Oh, splendid acres, of valley and vale,
They laugh, as they pass by in cars.
And, lest we foget,
We aren't done yet,
The least we can say is "it's ours."
Oh, unyielding acres, a labor of love,
We'll laugh as we go through the years.
For little they know,
That each step we grow,
Is burdened with blood, sweat, and tears.
Beautiful acres, on which to raise kids,
I reckon they'll number 'bout seven.
And I'll do my best,
To be 'laid to rest,'
In "Our Little Corner of Heaven".